Private Branding

Private Branding Features

  1. Your Domain Name
  2. Your Company Logo
  3. Your Email Address
  4. Your Company Color Scheme
It only takes about 30 minutes to implement private branding!

Make LenderLetter Your Own!

Private Branding is set up after your account has been created.  It’s a manual process.  The “Branding” tab at the top within your profile page will be hidden until our staff turns this feature on.  Therefore, contact our support and we will enable private branding and work with you to configure your account for this premium feature.  It only takes about 30 minutes to turn this on.   
The following items may be customized:
  • Your Logo – You may upload your logo.  The best size is 310 pixels wide and 75 pixels high.
  • Favicon – A Favicon is a small square image that shows in the browser tab.  This is a small 32 pixels by 32 pixels square image in a .png or .ico file format.  Our support staff can help create these file types and help you create your Favicon. 
  • Powered by… – Pre-Approval letters generated by the LenderLetter application may be authenticated online.  A QR Code is printed in the lower right corner of each letter.  Recipients may scan the code that reveals a browser URL address.  Copy and paste this URL into a browser address line and then enter a 5 digit number that’s printed just below the QR Code.  Finally, click on the “Go” button to reveal an exact duplicate on the computer screen.  Below the QR Code and 5 digit number is some text.  It says “Powered by xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”.  You may place your organization’s name here.  You are limited to 16 characters.
  • Application URL – Here you would enter your domain name with a sub-domain.  For example, “”.  The pal (short for “Pre-Approval Letter) is a sub-domain of your domain name.  Your organization and all agents and buyers would login using this sub-domain name. 
  • Support Email – All emails that are sent by the application to any recipient will have both a “From” email address and a “Reply-To” email address.  The From is whatever email address you enter here in the “Support Email” field.  The Reply-To email will always be the email address of the sender so any replies go back to the appropriate person.
  • Primary & Secondary Colors – You may select both a primary and secondary color scheme.  You simply change and click submit.  The color change is immediate.  By clicking on the small square colored box will open an adjustable color palette for easy selection…or you may enter either a RGB or HTML color code.  Contact LenderLetter support for any assistance or to answer any questions.
PLEASE NOTE: One prerequisite is that you must have full administrative access to your Internet domain’s DNS (Domain Name Services) management.  Four DNS “NS” record entries are required to be added to your domain’s DNS in order to successfully integrate your domain name with LenderLetter.  Don’t worry if you are unfamiliar with this.  Our support staff will help with the entire process.